My friends over at Prodos Games in Poland recently sent me a demo set of the new Warzone Resurrection 2nd Edition miniatures game to build and review.
The demo set they sent me has two starter armies for the Cybertronic and the Dark Legion factions of the game.
In last night’s live stream on my Twitch channel I assembled the miniatures for the Cybertronic faction and announced that I’ll also be giving away a second set of these two armies in one of my next live streams on Twitch.
Here’s a replay video of the stream:
After assembling the miniatures I have to say I’m pretty impressed with Prodos Games.
The level of detail of the miniatures is absolutely amazing, and the resin they use to make them is super easy to work with.
The casts are very well done, with very little in the way of mold lines or flashing.
I have to say I’m very impressed.
On my next stream I’ll be assembling the Dark Legion miniatures they sent me and then I’ll be giving away a 2 player set of both the Cybertronic and the Dark Legion armies absolutely free.
Here are some pics from Prodos of what the Cybertronic minis I built on the stream look like in hi-res:

If you’d like to participate in the giveaway, you can do so by following my Twitch channel and tuning in during my live stream giveaway.
When you click here and follow my Twitch channel, you can set it to notify you of future streams when I go live so that you don’t miss out on this and other future giveaways I’ll be doing.
What do you think of these miniatures so far?