In today’s video I assemble the three Retributor models that come with the Age of Sigmar starter set.
The models were the easiest models to put together in the set so far.
Check out the video here:
What do you think of this model?
Tabletop Miniature Terrain and Accessories
Today we held our very first ever TabletopGamer painting party at my place.
My nephew Kamil, my brother Bart from, and my friend Jabeel from joined me for a day of building and painting our Warhammer 40k / Age of Sigmar miniatures.
My newphew Kamil was painting his Dark Angels, my brother Bart was painting some Tyranids, my friend Jabeel was building first Warhammer 40k set of Ultramarines.
For this session I decided to start painting my Age of Sigmar Prosecutors.
Here are some pics I took during the painting session of my Prosecutor in progress.
The Age of Sigmar set comes with three Prosecutors, but I only worked on painting two of them.
I was thinking that I might save the third one for a painting video I record instead.
What do you guys think?
I’m still working on getting the first two completed, but they’re about 90% done now.
I honestly wasn’t too sure about the whole “gold” thing when I got the Age of Sigmar set, but when I painted these two miniatures I REALLY liked how the gold turned out.
The pictures don’t do it justice at all.
The gold looks way better in real life.
What do you guys think so far?
by Paul 2 Comments
In today’s video I assembled the last two Prosecutors from the Age of Sigmar Starter set.
The first Prosecutor I assembled was posed differently from these two.
These two were posed very similarly to each other, so I changed the positioning of one of the hammers as shown in the manual to add some variety in the look.
These are my favorite looking models in the starter set, and I can’t wait to get started on painting them!
What do you think of these?
In today’s video I put together one of the Age of Sigmar Prosecutor miniatures.
There are three Prosecutors in the box. This video shows the first one I put together and in a future video I’ll show the other two.
These Prosecutor models are by far my favorite models in the Age of Sigmar Starter Set.
I just love these!
What do you think of these?
I today’s video I do an assembly of the Age of Sigmar Lord Relictor model.
There was one part during the assembly which was a bit tricky, but I got it figured out.
As you can see in the video, I left one piece off on his back and I also didn’t glue his base yet as I want to be able to get in from the bottom to paint the model.
I might also do something a bit more fancy on the base this time.
What do you think of this model?