I my last blog post I wrote about starting a Greenskinz army.
In today’s post I want to do an unboxing of one of the new Ironjawz releases – the Ironjaws Orruk Maw-Krusha kit which can be used to build either Gordrakk, The Fist of Gork – or – Megaboss on Maw-Krusha!
This is an absolutely GORGEOUS model from GW.
I just love the way it looks and I’m super excited to be adding this bad-boy to my collection.
Even if I wasn’t building a Greenskinz army I think I would buy this just because it’s such an amazing piece of art.
Let’s dive inside and see what’s inside the box.
The back of the box shows the second option for the set. You can build it to look two different ways – the way shown on the front of the box, and the way shown on the back.
Here we see what’s actually inside the box – a bunch of big sprues with HUGE parts on them.
This is the first sprue. As you can see, tonnes of detail on the scales. Can’t wait to paint this! The sprues are actually pretty big, although I realize it’s hard to tell scale from the photos I took.
This is the back side of the same first sprue.
This is the second sprue, again with more big pieces.
And the back side of the second sprue.
This is the third smaller sprue in the box.
And the back side of it.
This is the huge base it comes with. The paint of citadel paint is just shown for scale, and obviously did not come inside the box.
Now this is the really interesting part. I’m so used to seeing black and white instruction manuals from GW, but this one came in full color which I think is awesome.
The front of the manual shows the two options of building either Gordrakk, The Fist of Gork – or – Megaboss on Maw-Krusha.
The instructions are actually full color inside as well, not just on the cover.
And on the last page they show the color scheme you can follow with the Citadel Paint Range if you want to paint it like in the pictures.
I didn’t take photos of every page in the instruction manual as I’m not sure if GW frowns on that, but the instruction manual is 20 pages long and includes the Warscrolls for Gordrakk, The Fist of Gork and Megaboss on Maw-Krusha.
What do you guys think of this model?
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