It’s been a few years since I’ve had time to invest in my tabletop gaming hobby.
I have been meaning to get back into it for quite some time now, but my focus has been on building my blog income online and helping my team-mates to build up their incomes as well.
For the last month or two though I’ve been really getting the intuitive nudge to get back into paining miniatures as I find it a very fun and relaxing hobby that really helps me to quiet my mind after a day of building my businesses.
When I got sick with the flu the last few weeks I once again got the intuitive nudge to slow down and make time in my schedule to unplug from the online world and to have some fun with this hobby.
So today I took a trip down to my local gamin store and picked up my new Warhammer 40k army that I’ll be building and painting – The Skitarii.
I’ve been away from anything Warhammer for a few years now, so I’ve got some catching up to do on the new Codexes and all the new changes they’ve introduced, but it all sounds like a lot of fun!
Codex Adeptus Mechanicus – Skitarii
The firs thing I picked up is the Codex for the Adeptus Mechanicus – Skitarii so I can learn all about this new army.
Adeptus Mechanicus Ironstrider
As I haven’t yet read through the Codex and I don’t really know which units I want in my army yet, I decided to just pick up a couple of units that look really cool that I know I’ll enjoy painting.
The first one was the Adeptus Mechanicus Ironstrider.
This thing looks awesome. Can’t wait to start painting it!
Adeptus Mechanicus – Kataphron Battle Servitors
The other units I picked up for this army are the Adeptus Mechanicus Kataphron Battle Servitors.
These guys are awesome looking as well.
Half man, half tank? How can you go wrong!? 🙂
Skitarii Datacards
Finally, the last thing I picked up was the Skitarii Datacards.
Can’t wait to start building this army.
I opened up a few of the boxes and looked at some of the units and the detail is amazing.
What about you?
What’s your hobby?
What do you do to relax your mind and to relieve some stress after work or outside of building your business?
Im assuming you realized shortly after that this is actually 2 armies lol.
I’ve been so busy with terrain production I haven’t had time to dive into 40k for a while now. When I get back into it though I have like 20+ boxes of stuff that needs assembling and building – LOL. I suffer from “I NEED to buy ONE MORE army!” syndrome. 🙂